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The Bunker: Wood Stoves

For a wood stove, you want to have a continuous feed, complete combustion style stove. This is why pellet stoves ended up being the superior technology, followed by rocket mass stoves, then double chamber stoves. Natural gas stoves will benefit you in several ways, especially the ease of use and high temperature output for cooking, but make for poor long term heaters if not attached to a boiler or oil filled radiator system. As for fire places, all current made fireplaces will make your homes colder even with an active fire as it draws air out of the building up the chimney. if you do have a traditional fireplace insert (not a cooking hearth) you will want to have a split tube heater insert for the fire if you want to be cheap, or get a standing single chamber wood stove and pipe the exhaust up the chimney.

Best small pellet stoves : 2020 edition

New Waste Oil Shop Heater Build! Ultra Efficient! DIY Project

3 ways I improved wood burning stove

3 ways I improved the heating ability of the wood stove, in the living quarters of our barn.

  1. insulated smaller burn chamber, 1/2 size of firebox
  2. chimney heat reclaimer
  3. adding thermo storage

Thanks to BiotechFarmer for his contribution to this section.

bunker/wood-stoves.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 19:05 by